Why is Mental Health Awareness Important?

This issue is becoming drastically more important as the days go by. It has been a stigmatized point of life for hundreds of years and is only getting its well deserved recognition in current years. That doesn't mean it's a perfect system, though. Mental illness can start at pretty much any time and telling people that you need help can often get bad responses. The need for mental health services is an important one that should be recognized, especially in our school systems.

Children, adolescents, and young adults who attend school go through so many different events that can affect them in so many different ways. This can range from classic bullying - name calling, body shaming, "The [name] Touch" - to racism, homophobia, and transphobia.

Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are also contributing factors to a child's mental health. As someone who has worked with 4th grade students at Higher Ground Youth & Family Services, this information was brought to light to me and my colleagues from a training held by one of our staff. ACEs can include abuse, violence within the household or being a witness to violence, or growing up in a family that has substance abuse issues. Read more here: Adverse Childhood Experiences

As educators, parents, caretakers, and guardians, we must take action to make a change in this environment. Sign petitions, protest with other parents and educators, go to your local school board meeting, attend city hall meetings... One voice can cause a wave in a movement.